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Paperback Book Details
  • 12/2019
  • 9781950957040
  • 38 pages
  • $14.97
Hardcover Details
  • 04/2020
  • 978-1950957057
  • 38 pages
  • $19.97
Ebook Details
  • 12/2019
  • 1950957047 B082J7NT8R
  • 40 pages
  • $7.97
Audio Details
  • 03/2021
  • B08ZJJ8484
  • 38 pages
  • $2.99
Stephen Bowling
Calvin the Christmas Tree: The greatest Christmas tree of all.

He’s been preparing for the season since he was a sapling. But will he be tall enough to start spreading joy?

The thought of missing Christmas has little Calvin quaking in his roots. The smallest tree on his famous farm, his branches get all ruffled when a grumpy old coot says he isn’t strong enough for ornaments. But he’s thrilled when he’s finally pulled from the ground and put on sale just in time for Christmas Eve!

As excited families whisk away all the other evergreens, Calvin’s smile fades when he finds himself all alone. And he worries the grizzled meanie might’ve been right when the store closes, and he’s covered in snow… until he sees headlights peeking through the storm.

Will Calvin be left out in the cold, or is one special family about to make him their shining star?

Calvin the Christmas Tree is a beautifully illustrated children’s picture book. If you or your child like hand-painted wonders, classic scenes from simpler times, and charming emotional journeys, then you’ll love Stephen G. Bowling’s heartwarming tale.

Buy Calvin the Christmas Tree to unwrap the greatest gift of all today!

Calvin, a young Christmas tree with a full-grown heart, lives at the famous Stumpstinkle’s Tree Farm—a farm so well-known for harvesting the “very best” Christmas trees that people travel from far and wide to peruse their pines during the holidays. But for Calvin, the smallest of the lot, the season can be stressful. Though he relishes listening to the other trees tell stories of the celebrities and notables who have visited the farm in the past, Calvin really only wants one thing—for this to be the year he is picked as a special Christmas tree.

Calvin’s coming-of-age is sweet to behold, though as that setup suggests it’s fraught with moments that will tug at readers’ heartstrings. He takes in the sage wisdom of the other trees (“take your vitamins” BellaBrush counsels, while the greenest tree, FinkleBark, emphasizes the need for water to make Calvin’s branches grow) and tries his best to ignore GrumpMeyer’s naysaying that he’ll never make it as a Christmas tree. When Farmer Stumpstinkle’s wife finally notices Calvin’s pizzazz, he’s thrilled to find himself at the Christmas tree store at last, but his unwavering determination takes a major blow when no shoppers even look his way.Calvin’s painful abandonment is difficult to watch, but it sets him up for his own Christmas miracle that will warm the hearts of even the Grinchiest readers.

Dudarenka’s quaint illustrations evoke warm nostalgia for traditional visions of Yuletide cheer, particularly young Calvin’s attempts to puff out his cheeks to look bigger—and the climactic scene of Calvin knocked into the snow on the empty tree lot is starkly rendered with convincing emotions and desolate scenery. Younger readers will be swept into Calvin’s tale and cheer loudly for this tiny titan’s eventual victory, and the enduring message that “a Christmas tree is more than just branches” peals loudly through the pages.

Takeaway: An unwanted Christmas tree discovers its true purpose in this holiday treat.

Comparable Titles: The Curto Family & Rusty Fischer’s One Little Christmas Tree, Anthony Merrill & Michael Bast’s A Little Christmas Tree.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: A
Editing: A-
Marketing copy: A-

The US Review of Books

Calvin the Christmas Tree
by Stephen G. Bowling
Valley of Mexico

book review by Melayna Alicea

"Calvin knew he was little, but he was sure he could make a family happy on Christmas. And he knew Farmer Stumpstinkle would pick him. He just knew it!"

Calvin is the smallest Christmas tree on Farmer Stumpstinkle's Christmas tree farm. Even though he is just a baby tree, he is determined to be chosen to bring joy to a family's household. Calvin listens to his parent's advice, eating so he can grow strong and being patient, but he cannot help feeling a little disappointed each day as his fellow Christmas trees are chosen by Farm Stumpstinkle to bring joy to families. He waits and waits, but no one picks him. Calvin is almost left alone on Christmas Eve when a young boy spots him and asks his father if he can bring the tree home. He has finally been chosen! Calvin gets planted in the family's front yard. The boy rushes outside to decorate him. Calvin remains planted in their front yard, where he grows to become the most magnificent Christmas tree in the entire world.

It will not be surprising if Bowling’s book quickly becomes the next classic family Christmas story. Written in poetic prose and accompanied by beautiful illustrations, this delightful children's book radiates with Christmas spirit. Adults and children alike will enjoy sitting by a fire and reading this story during the holiday season. Within this simple tale hides multiple life lessons for readers of all ages. Readers will learn the importance of being themselves, being patient as they wait for the right time to come, and the importance of loving themselves exactly as they are. Any reader, no matter their cultural or religious background, will enjoy this story about growth, love, and triumph.

RECOMMENDED by the US Review

Paperback Book Details
  • 12/2019
  • 9781950957040
  • 38 pages
  • $14.97
Hardcover Details
  • 04/2020
  • 978-1950957057
  • 38 pages
  • $19.97
Ebook Details
  • 12/2019
  • 1950957047 B082J7NT8R
  • 40 pages
  • $7.97
Audio Details
  • 03/2021
  • B08ZJJ8484
  • 38 pages
  • $2.99
