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May 18, 2020
By PW Staff
Our semimonthly photo essay featuring authors in their elements

Indie authors are making the best of unparalleled circumstances by reading and writing at home. In this edition of "Indie Pics: Authors at Home," writers recommend books by fellow indie authors and share their own projects.

If you are an indie author, let us know about the indie books that are inspiring you. We're also welcoming photos of your writing and reading nooks, objects or places that are feeding your creativity, or anything else you think would interest the BookLife community.  Please send your book recommendations, photos, and captions to


Author Lucinda Clark is currently reading Dragon’s Heir, a sci-fi novel by Glenn Parris that envisions a different history for the dinosaurs. Clark is the founder of PRA Publishing and Poetry Matters Project. Her own work consists of the View from the Middle of the Road Series of which there are now five volumes. 


Renee Scarrott is the author of The Unforgotten World of Ava, which she self-published in January of this year. Scarrott is currently reading C.J. Grayson's Someone's There, a thriller that delves into a wife’s disappearance. Scarrott praised Grayson's use of descriptive language and the book's unexpected twists: “I can't wait to see what happens next. I highly recommend it!"


For author LaKesa Cox, staying focused during the pandemic has been a challenge. She’s found inspiration from  Taunya Lynnette’s memoir Just Being Me, which she calls "empowering, positive, and motivating," Cox says. Cox is the author of the novels After the Storm and Fetish for a Blue Skyy, among other works. She’s currently writing a self-help guide, Do it the Write Way: A Step-By-Step Guide to Writing and Publishing Your Book.


Poetry provides solace to author Casey Rislov, author of five picture books including Rowdy Randy and Love Is Forever. She’s currently reading a collection of poems from Victoria Erickson called Edge of Wonder: Notes from the Wildness of Being (Enrealment Press). “Erickson writes inspiring poems that I find myself rereading and sharing. Beautiful work,” Rislov says.


