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July 30, 2018
A look at some of the best opening lines from titles by BookLife authors.

This month brings the end of the world and an early-morning visit from the cops. To submit a first line, email

Martha's Sister: Beloved Prodical by Patricia Annalee Kirk

“I watched the young girl in horrified fascination.”

Missing by Wolfgang Parker

“Jonas Shurmann woke up tired and grumpy—probably because he hadn’t heard cats speak yet.”

Swim Season by Marianne Sciucco

“Aunt Mags didn’t say a word on the way to the high school, and neither did I.”

Gathering Frost by Kaitlyn Davis

“The world ended on a Saturday in spring.”

Identity Crisis by Debbi Mack

“I’ve never been a morning person, and if there’s one thing I don’t need before my first cup of coffee, it’s a visit from the cops.”

Your Crocodile Has Arrived by Laurie McAndish King

"A third-grade classmate of mine named Jimmy told me he would eat a live worm if I paid him twenty-five cents."



