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Matt McAvoy Book Review

Editing, Art & Design, Production, Web Design, Promotion & PR, Publishing

MJV Literary Author Services,
71-75 Shelton St.,
London,WC1N 3AX

Do you need BOOK REVIEWS or an in-depth BETA-READER's manuscript critique?  Is your book ready to publish yet?​

I also offer SYNOPSIS and BLURB-WRITING services, as well as line/copy-editing, proofreading (all human-eye with tracked changes), Kindle and paperback book creation, plus author websites and book covers.  I even offer pay-as-you-go editing, to suit any budget.

My Editorial Appraisal is completely free of charge, without any expectations, and will honestly propose the work I believe your book requires to submit or self-publish. 

My clients include self-publishing authors and small-print publishers.  And I plant trees with every editorial instruction.

