Ellaura Shoop
Ellaura Shoop is an English and Psychology major from a small town in Western Pennsylvania. Her favorite activities include feeding her two guinea pigs huge amounts of hay in the hopes that they will stop eating things they aren't supposed to, lying as still as possible when trying to fall asleep to avoid disturbing the cat perched on her spine, an....
Ellaura Shoop is an English and Psychology major from a small town in Western Pennsylvania. Her favorite activities include feeding her two guinea pigs huge amounts of hay in the hopes that they will stop eating things they aren't supposed to, lying as still as possible when trying to fall asleep to avoid disturbing the cat perched on her spine, and reading through the dogs' warning barks alerting her that the cat has graced the living room with his presence. She is also the author of the companion to The Meer Series, Perilous Ground, and two Kindle Vella serialized novels: Pride- The Falling Storm and Apollo Invents.