Jeffrey Marcus Oshins worked on the national security staff of the US Congress for eleven years with a focus on military sealift. He is the founder of NatPrep ( providing homeland security consulting to domestic and foreign clients. He worked in the port of Skikda, Algeria a year after an explosion in the LNG facility there had f.... more
Jeffrey Marcus Oshins worked on the national security staff of the US Congress for eleven years with a focus on military sealift. He is the founder of NatPrep ( providing homeland security consulting to domestic and foreign clients. He worked in the port of Skikda, Algeria a year after an explosion in the LNG facility there had flattened much of the port and city. The Gray Anarchist is his sixth published book (
Jeffrey Marcus Oshins's Projects
All Those Except Those...An Anecdotal Autobiography
Humor of the Greatest Generation. Comedy and history combine in this journey of a Jewish boy from Es... more
Lake Barcroft
1964, in the Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C., garage bands play popular songs in school cafe... more
The Gray Anarchist
Lauren Bastini, a 73-year-old white female environmental activist, wages a terrorist campaign on the... more