NigeL Wilson, PhD
Dr Nigel Wilson is an Australian lawyer and teaching professional. He has over twenty-eight years' experience in legal education, curriculum development, and legal practice. He was awarded a Doctor of Philosophy by the University of South Australia for his PhD thesis entitled "Regulation in the Information Age in Australia: From the Boardroom to th....
Dr Nigel Wilson is an Australian lawyer and teaching professional. He has over twenty-eight years' experience in legal education, curriculum development, and legal practice. He was awarded a Doctor of Philosophy by the University of South Australia for his PhD thesis entitled "Regulation in the Information Age in Australia: From the Boardroom to the Courtroom". He holds degrees in Law (Honours, First Class) and Economics from the University of Adelaide and a graduate diploma in legal practice from the University of South Australia. He also holds a Master's degree in Law from Oxford University and has been awarded Harvard University's Premier Certificate in Cybersecurity.
As an expert teaching professional since 1992, Dr Wilson has been a tutor; seminar leader; examiner; course coordinator; continuing professional development presenter; convenor; senior lecturer; and director of studies of undergraduate, postgraduate, and post-admission law programmes. He has extensive experience across undergraduate and postgraduate courses, practical legal training, clinical legal practice, corporate professional development and post-admission barrister education programmes. For over two decades, he has conducted educational training programmes for Australian legal practices, workplaces, and Australian judicial colleges. Nationally and internationally, he has spoken at over fifty conferences and has twice been an invited keynote speaker at National Judicial College of Australia conferences.
From 2001 to 2008, he established and convened, pro bono, the South Australian Bar Association's (SABA) Bar Reader's Course with the SABA BRC Committee. As convenor, he designed the course curriculum, taught in the programme, and engaged with members of the courts and the profession and with national and international bars. In 2014, he was recognised by the SABA for his teaching leadership and professionalism by the award of an annual lecture.
Dr Wilson has research expertise and has published, nationally and internationally, in legal education, the law of regulation, expert evidence, the law of evidence, competition and consumer law, insurance law, tort law, corporate law, digital forensics, risk management, cybersecurity, and technology law. He has held editorial board appointments on two leading international technology law journals and been a law reform adviser to the South Australian and Australian governments.
Since 1993, he has represented Australian and international citizens, corporations, regulators, and governments in all Australian courts and tribunals. He has also held in-house legal roles and been General Counsel of South Australia's largest private corporation and also General Counsel and Head of Governance of the Indigenous Land Corporation. He has worked extensively for, and "on country" with, indigenous Australians in complex compensation claims and indigenous rights cases.
Dr Wilson is the inventor and owner of the CAISSEP(R) teaching and learning technique.