R. L. K. Eastabrooks
Author | Hudson Valley, NY |
R. L. K. Eastabrooks is an American author. INAUSPICIOUS, her first published novel, took her sixteen years to research and write, and for which she traveled extensively throughout northern India and Rajasthan. She earned degrees from Hunter College, Harvard University, and Fordham Law School, and is an adjunct professor of world religions, ethics,....
R. L. K. Eastabrooks is an American author. INAUSPICIOUS, her first published novel, took her sixteen years to research and write, and for which she traveled extensively throughout northern India and Rajasthan. She earned degrees from Hunter College, Harvard University, and Fordham Law School, and is an adjunct professor of world religions, ethics, and college writing in NY. For over three decades, she has provided pro bono assistance to survivors of sexual and domestic violence. A mother of one son, two dogs, and a cat, she currently calls the Hudson Valley home.