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Murray Moffatt
A Murder Solved Twice
Investigator Shane Daniels has been kidnapped and told he'll be killed if he doesn't solve the murder of a young woman for which a man has already been convicted. Gavin Benson was found guilty by a jury of killing the much younger woman he was having an affair with. Shane's partner, Emma Carstairs. searches desperately for him with the help of Ben Chen, Shane's foul-mouthed, politically incorrect childhood friend, but they're not even sure why he's missing. Is it related to the Benson trial or theirĀ foster child Lan's testimony against members of a Vietnamese-Canadian criminal organization? While Shane tries to survive and find a way to escape, 'A Murder Solved Twice' takes the reader back in time to follow the Benson murder trial and defence lawyer Jason Burke's ill-fated attempt to prove his innocence.
