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Alex Gerrick
A Season of Thunder
"A Season of Thunder" is the second book in a trilogy based on the real-life experiences of Alex Gerrick, blending factual events with elements of fiction. It serves as a sequel to his debut book, "A Season of Clouds." The narrative is divided into three interwoven streams: his search for a Bosnian woman called Martina, presumed dead, who he met in Greece in 1995, a cold case investigation into Alex's childhood shooting, and the story of his family's escape from Yugoslavia to Australia after World War II, with a focus on his parents and sister, Dubravka. The book alternates between three main storylines: the history of Alex's parents from 1914-1962, Alex's investigation into his shooting, and his search for Martina. The story culminates in a theory about his father's secret life and the events of Alex's childhood that led to his shooting. Part spy story, part detective story and part spiritual journey, A Season of Thunder is a story about truth, the importance of family and the horrors of war.
