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Hardcover Details
  • 04/2023
  • 978-1-957239-04-0
  • 322 pages
  • $27.99
Ebook Details
  • 04/2023
  • 978-1-957239-03-3
  • 322 pages
  • $9.99
Meredith Rose
A Study In Garnet

Adult; Mystery/Thriller; (Market)

January 29, 1881: Afghanistan ruined her body, but London has broken her heart. \tDr. Siân Watson longs to shed the male disguise she used to join the British Army, but when you look like a bloke, it’s easier to amputate a man’s leg on a battlefield than buy a dress in London. Undaunted, she heads to the Criterion Hotel to find help. But when a chance encounter with an old friend leads to meeting the mesmerizing Sherlyn Holmes, Dr. Watson’s plans are upended—faster than you can say “the game is afoot.” Now, instead of going home to Wales, she’s moving into 221B Baker Street with Miss Holmes, whose piercing deductions are as thrilling as they are unsettling. Life with the world’s only consulting detective is powerful medicine, but as they hunt for whoever is murdering cab drivers across London, Watson fears her growing affection for Holmes might injure her more deeply than any bullet. As Holmes’s obsession with the case pushes Watson into risks she swore never to take again, she must choose: whatever respectability a woman doctor can earn—or Sherlyn Holmes. Both is not an option. When their quest for justice lands them in trouble with the law, Watson fears she has survived one war only to fall in a different kind of battle—one that may destroy what’s left of her heart.
Rose (the Alchemy Empire series) serves up an intriguing variation on Holmes and Watson in this promising series launch. Dr. Siân Watson, who in 1878 became the first woman to get her medical degree from the University of London, disguised herself as a man to serve with the British Army in Afghanistan. After being wounded in combat, she returns to London, where she takes a room with a stranger named Sherrington Hope—which turns out to be the male alias for female private investigator Sherlyn Holmes. When police inspector Lestrade taps Sherlyn to assist in solving a string of murders, Sîan offers to help. Soon, the two women come to suspect that a decades-old German gang that once prowled the streets of London has reemerged, and that they’re responsible for the killings of three cabbies across the city. The women’s sleuthing puts them in hot water with corrupt officials, and soon they’re fighting for their lives. In the midst of everything, Sîan develops romantic feelings for her brilliant roommate and colleague. That tension (“Holmes was... the sun burning away the foggy gloom my life had become”), plus a truly nerve-shredding mystery, set this apart from standard-issue Holmes retreads. Fans of Laurie R. King’s Marry Russell series should check this out. (Self-published)
Hardcover Details
  • 04/2023
  • 978-1-957239-04-0
  • 322 pages
  • $27.99
Ebook Details
  • 04/2023
  • 978-1-957239-03-3
  • 322 pages
  • $9.99
