A taut, dark tale of sci-fi horror...
Fans of dark sci-fi will revel in this intricate tale of horror as a couple struggles to make sense of a strange world they find themselves in. Briana wakes up to find herself trapped in a strange room with her memory wiped out. The only other occupant of the room is Charlie. The duo plans to escape, but the world outside is equally strange. The bulk of the plot focuses on Briana and Charlie's efforts to survive as they try to make sense of their weird surroundings. Milani impressively integrates the horror element without sacrificing the concept of hardcore science fiction in the story. Milani's impressive writing and the expert handling of the disparate plot elements makes for an intriguing tale. The downbeat ending will appeal to lovers of dark fiction. Readers intrigued by darker tales of science fiction will want to pick up this fine novel.