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Paperback Book Details
  • 08/2022
  • 9781958434109
  • 80 pages
  • $9.99
Frank Johnson
Service Provider
As Christ is my Example: A Daily Walk in Faith with Christ
Jan Keegan, author
The book is a 31 day devotional book that provides an in-depth study on the life of Jesus Christ and the examples he left for us to follow as we progress through life. The daily topics are scripture-based on written verses in the Bible. The book has a teaching guide that provides guidance and direction to those who may want to use the book to teach others about Christ. The book can be used to teach about the life of Christ in church-related groups, such as Sunday School classes or other classes for men, women and youth groups, to help its members grow nearer and closer to Christ. Families may want to use the book as the focus of family devotionals to help impart the message Jesus has left for us to follow and help in the spiritual training of children in the family. The book can be used in teaching during special times of the year, as during Lent and Advent. The love and grace of Christ will be realized by the individual who will want to use the book for daily personal meditation.
Paperback Book Details
  • 08/2022
  • 9781958434109
  • 80 pages
  • $9.99
