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Dennis Meredith
Attack of the Food Zombies

Adult; Mystery/Thriller; (Publish)

Disgraced neuropharmacologist Edwin Kane has developed the drug gustatene that gives any food an irresistible, highly addictive taste. Seeking to stop the release of gustatene, which would create hunger-maddened food zombies, he is pursued by FBI agent Rochelle Chun, FDA investigator Mary Louette Baumgartner, and master chef Giovanni Ciotti. They must also thwart Veganite terrorists, drug dealers, and greedy food industrialists – all of whom seek the drug for their own nefarious purposes.
Plot/Idea: 8 out of 10
Originality: 8 out of 10
Prose: 10 out of 10
Character/Execution: 9 out of 10
Overall: 8.75 out of 10


Plot/Idea: When a neuropharmacologist creates a drug that can make any food into a highly addictive substance, warring interests fight to secure its access. Filled with lively action and adventure, Attack of the Food Zombies is a well-constructed, humorous, and highly readable mystery-thriller. 

Prose: Meredith's outstanding prose shines in this novel, elevating what might have been a banal, overly allegorical thriller into a captivating piece. The author's writing pulls readers in and propels readers forward page after page.

Originality: While the plot is fairly predictable in some parts, and the analogy to today's world of over-processed foods, additives, and unhealthy eating habits is a bit over-wrought, the story remains smartly developed and thought-provoking.

Character/Execution: The characters in Attack of the Food Zombies are another highlight: they are complex, well-developed, and have quirks that endear them to readers. The romance between Lou and Chef Nonny is particularly charming, while Kane's development as he witnesses his invention transform into a Frankenstein's monster, is spot-on.

Blurb: When strange eating habits -- and bodies -- start piling up in Las Vegas, an unlikely trio of investigators team up to figure out what is happening. Fast paced and action-packed, Attack of the Food Zombies will captivate readers. 

Date Submitted: April 18, 2023

