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Paperback Book Details
  • 07/2024
  • 9798893760910
  • 186 pages
  • $13.50
Paperback Book Details
  • 06/2023
  • 9798889601982
  • 186 pages
  • $26.95
Leap Write Literary
Service Provider
Big Trouble in Little Italy
Kent Brody PI discovers his office ransacked. Assessing the damage Maggie Burns his PA suggests Kent hire her friend Wendy Brennan to assist with the cleanup. Evidence is found indicating the mafia is responsible who’ve also taken over San Francisco’s Little Italy. Kent seeks out why his office is vandalized. The break in is an unsuccessful attempt to gain information for one of Kents clients. Being threatened Kent is forced to provide the mafia with proof of the clients’ assets through computer hacking. The mafia don seeks the name of the hacker, but the person’s identity is kept confidential. Requiring a computer hacker of his own, the don abducts both Maggie and Wendy. Finding themselves victims held against their will threatened with bodily harm, Maggie, and Wendy attempt an escape finding themselves in a desperate situation.
Amazon Customer

I loved the character development and the feeling as if you are RIGHT THERE in every adventurous scene or part of this book! Anything we involve the mafia and a love story filled with twists and turns! Highly recommend this book!

Paperback Book Details
  • 07/2024
  • 9798893760910
  • 186 pages
  • $13.50
Paperback Book Details
  • 06/2023
  • 9798889601982
  • 186 pages
  • $26.95
