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Kindle Edition Digital Ebook Purchas Details
  • 01/2023
  • 9798215479650 B0BRNJLZ8B
  • 338 pages
  • $3.99
Warren Brown
Cafe of Creativity and Inspiration For Writers (Prolific Writing for Everyone Book 6)
Warren Brown, author

Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

The Café of Creativity and Inspiration for writers is open and ready to serve a delectable array of drinks and condiments. In the Café you will find a selection of poems, stories, and essays written by Warren Brown on the literary craft. These poems, articles, and stories, take the reader and the writer into a world of new literary experiences, as created by the imagination of the author. The writer shows you how he finds and develops his ideas into stories, articles, and poems. This collection of work gives the reader an opportunity to look inside the creative and imaginative world of the writer. There are essays on what it takes to be a writer and the work that goes into creating and developing ideas. In this book, you will find pieces on a variety of topics. Using every subject in this book as a “key”, to developing your own ideas is one of the best ways to use this book. There are a billion ideas present in the world today, it is up to every writer and storyteller to take those ideas and make them their own. Every writer is a creator of imaginary worlds. It is up to you as the reader to explore the mind of the author. As a writer, it is also up to you to open the doors to your own imagination to find new ideas and to develop them into complete stories, articles, and poems for a world of readers to enjoy. The real secret for a good writer to become a great writer is to write from the heart, as that is what connects you to your readers.
Kindle Edition Digital Ebook Purchas Details
  • 01/2023
  • 9798215479650 B0BRNJLZ8B
  • 338 pages
  • $3.99
