The story is charming and fast paced as Phillip struggles with grief and loneliness following the death of his family during the fictional nation’s five year long civil war, while Anna grapples with the realization of her family’s hypocritical and unethical nature. The two find solace in each other and the shared goal of saving Phillip’s family land. Although their connection is established early on, Parker Johnson weaves in the perspectives of shady businessman Mark Rand and Phillip’s close childhood friend Jaqueline Fox. Complicating factors include Mark’s ulterior motives and Jaqueline’s unrequited feelings, which threaten the romance starting to bloom between Anna and Phillip.
Parker Johnson has written a clean, contemporary romance teeming with political and romantic tension set in the fictional African nations of Stardade and Valtross. (At times the African geography could be more clear.) Readers are immersed in a world of green energy, cobalt-mining and political coups. Fans of both sweetheart and political romances alike will find this fast-moving story enjoyable.
Takeaway: A sweet, fast-paced romance involving mines, politics, and fictional African countries.
Great for fans of: Toni Shiloh’s In Search of a Prince, Lucy Score’s Forever Never.
Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A-
Marketing copy: A