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dennis wong
Editor (anthology)
Defeat of Nazi Germany
dennis wong, illustrator
A factual and fascinating account of how the Western Allied Strategic Air Forces in the European Theater of Operations annihilated Adolph Hilter’s Third Reich. Seen through the eyes of S/Sgt Chester Fong as a tail-gunner aboard a Consolidated B-24 Liberator heavy bomber in the US 8th Air Force, Fong’s story is more than just a history lesson. He describes the events leading up to the ultimate defeat of Germany, the roles of the Allied air and ground forces in securing victory in Europe, and coming home to unite once more with his family. S/Sgt Fong gives a personal account of each mission regarding its purpose and objectives in the ongoing air bombing campaign, and what was achieved through a successful bombing raid. Military operations are both very mechanical and routine, but their success or failure critically depends on the human component. This is one aspect of the war that S/Sgt Fong brings forth to the reader, the trials and tribulations of just being a combat soldier. The events occurring with what was happening on the ground dictated ongoing Allied air force operations. As such, both elements were inextricably linked in defeating the Axis Powers in Europe. Aerial combat was just as vicious as that on the ground, and the major battles in both arenas during the last months of the war are all discussed in vivid detail in the first four chapters of the book.
