Newman promises in the opening pages to avoid the “same-o, lame-o” advice familiar from countless sales books. To his credit, he backs that claim up as he offers fresh approaches, advice, and insights to take the "mystery" out of sales. From the incorporation of social media to networking with big and small business, Newman lays out a clear, original foundation while offering hard-won tips of the trade (“The sooner in the sales conversation you get THEM talking, the more sales you will close”). Each section is broken down into bite-size, easy to comprehend advice that will elevate one's selling potential. Touching on areas such as self-confidence and how to convert the idea of selling into an "invitation" to potential buyers, Newman makes clear that it’s all in the way you approach a potential sale that ultimately yields successful results, even in cases of “cold” selling.
Do It! Selling is an engaging and persuasive guide for those looking to sharpen up their success rate at closing the deal. Newman offers incisive pointers on everything from how high to set your goals to how to use "emotional payoff language" to reel in potential clients, all written in brisk, non-nonsense language and laid out for ease of use. This is an easy-to-read, aestheticaly appealing guide that can be revisited time and time again.
Takeaway: A fresh, incisive resource for anyone in the business of selling.
Comparable Titles: Grant Cardone’s Sell or Be Sold, Tom Hopkins’s How to Master the Art of Selling.
Production grades
Cover: B
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A