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Dropped in the World- A Young Adult's Guide to Navigating Life
Dropped in the World is a fresh and unique viewpoint of life’s existing values and constraints as young adults leave the safety of their adolescent home into the world. It identifies the feelings of being dropped from a plane and into a world without resources other than what each young adult has been given on the way out the door. The book identifies tools and ideas that young adults and growing middle-aged adults can implement toward success in many directions and the vast situations that the world will place in their paths. It offers anecdotal situations the author has experienced and explains the positive and negative lessons learned from those good and bad experiences as a college graduate, truck driver, business owner, army combat veteran, and full circle back to collegiate education as a future high school teacher. Some common knowledge concepts do not seem to be common to everyone and new understandings place a magnifying glass on some of the obvious but most difficult landscapes to navigate on the map of life.
