Plot/Idea: The novel follows Eddie's post-baseball career, the circle of friends he has made, and his new love. In doing so, his marriage, young adulthood, and childhood are touched on via sidebars into past events. The appeal of Eddie is meant to be his ordinariness, but the execution fizzles out.
Prose: Scala's style is unusual and colorful, and the prose takes the approach of reporting rather than storytelling. The group chats embedded throughout become repetitive and extraneous.
Originality: Readers are afforded a glimpse of who Eddie expected to become versus reality, a theme that will resonate with many.
Character/Execution: Given Scala's choice to build the story by weaving through the past and present, central protagonist Eddie is explored in great detail, while supporting characters, including his father, take a backseat. Dani’s backstory, while harrowing, is treated with grace and sets up Eddie’s later heroics.
Date Submitted: April 22, 2023