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Evening Painting (l'amore di Vissini per Fionora)
Vissini is a writer visiting Venice waiting for inspiration to write a book about Venice when he meets a tourist named Fiona. They fall in love over the course of Vissini exploring the many hidden, mysterious places in Venice with Fiona, unknown to her artist friends or any other tourists. Venice, Italy becomes the protagonist in this story with its enormous beauty but time is running out. Fiona and her friends are leaving Venice after the Venice Film Festival and going to Paris. Will Vissini follow Fiona on the train to Paris or will he stay and write the book about Venice for which he has now found the inspiration?
Rosalba Mancuso, Advicebooks, the most trusted book review site of Italy

"Evening Painting is a stunning homage to Venice.....a compelling novel.....a mesmerizing tale. No other book has given me so strong visual emotions. It is like a picture painted with words. Evening Painting is a great act of love for Venice and Italy, but it is also a great masterpiece beautifully written by a great writer."

