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Experiences Inc.

Adult; Romance; (Market)

Racine Hightower never met a party she didn’t love. She started Experiences Inc, a wedding and event-planning company, on the strength of that love. She’s even branched into a new line of experiences, A Make-A-Wish Foundation for adults… sort of. Fake experiences or engineered experiences for those willing to pay. Not everyone’s a fan, especially the new co-owner of her company, Rio Vargas, but hopefully she can bring him around. Rio Vargas was his father’s son, not much into love. He’d seen from an early age what came from love. Extra siblings, monetary settlements, not to mention the wear-and-tear on one’s heart, his mom’s, so he wasn’t interested in having a go at the love meal. Or so he thought. One look at Racine Hightower and he was hooked or at least, the idea of forever after was up for consideration. Good thing her company offered those fake packages for him to purchase. Two months of the Girlfriend Experience was sure to purge whatever ideas of marriage he had. There’s a lot up for grabs in this game of fakery both Rio and Racy are playing—their hearts for one. Can they hold on to them, or give them to each other in the ultimate game of love?
