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Ebook Details
  • 02/2024
  • 979-8-218-97338-4 B0CW1FLJG2
  • 419 pages
  • $6.99
Paperback Details
  • 02/2024
  • 979-8-218-97337-7 B0DBZKZZ7X
  • 419 pages
  • $17.95
Robert J. Potter

Richard Drake, a young man with psychic powers, foresees an abduction, turned to murder.  When he decides to investigate, he encounters many obstacles along the way.  Nevertheless, he continues his search, and what he discovers, is more bewildering than he could ever have imagined.

In this world of adventure and mystery, readers follow the “creative, yet solemn” Richard Drake, a young boy from Cleveland, Ohio, whose extraordinary psychic abilities thrust him into a whirlwind of suspense and intrigue. When Richard predicts a chilling abduction days before it unfolds into a murder, he embarks on a quest for justice that leads him through a maze of allies, enemies, and dangerous cults vying for his powers. As he navigates this treacherous landscape, Richard discovers unsettling truths that hint at a darker mystery at play, leaving him with a life-altering decision: will he risk everything to expose the truth, or walk away while he still can?

Potter (author of Maladjusted) skillfully shows the depth of loneliness that Richard experiences in his childhood before developing his character into the powerful psychic that he becomes as the book progresses. As the young Richard “long[s] for some kind of validation or approval,” his “oneness with all creatures, great and small” creates miles of distance between himself and others. Richard’s lack of friends and antagonizing older brother leave him searching for a place to belong while he quietly fulfills his duties at home—unnoticed and unappreciated by his family—and keeps his visions, a bone of contention with his “fundamentalist” family, under wraps as much as possible. But, as his powers grow, the tension in his family escalates, driving him, as a young adult, to seek refuge, alongside “adventure and a warmer climate,” in Tampa.

Richard’s gripping voyage turns on high emotions and ever-changing perceptions, as Potter successfully blurs the line between reality and the supernatural, while never losing sight of the mystery elements genre fans will expect. Illustrations by Crazy Sánchez anchor the story’s tension and setting, and Richard is a worthy protagonist, facing imminent danger, lurking evil, and heart-pounding suspense. Readers will be caught up in his journey until the final shocking revelation.

Takeaway: Heartfelt story about a boy coming to age as a clairvoyant.

Comparable Titles: Rick Riordan’s The Lightning Thief, George D. Shuman’s Second Sight.

Production grades
Cover: B
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: B+
Editing: A-
Marketing copy: A-

Ebook Details
  • 02/2024
  • 979-8-218-97338-4 B0CW1FLJG2
  • 419 pages
  • $6.99
Paperback Details
  • 02/2024
  • 979-8-218-97337-7 B0DBZKZZ7X
  • 419 pages
  • $17.95
