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Paperback Book Details
  • 07/2018
  • 9781733660204
  • 242 pages
  • $13.50
Open Ebook Ebook Details
  • 07/2018
  • 9781733660211
  • 240 pages
  • $3.99
Barbara Woster
Fate's Intervention
Marcelle is as free-spirited as the horses she trains, and just as stubborn. Can Matthew capture the heart of this strong-willed, mischievous woman, or will Fate need to intervene.

What a well written book. Fate's Intervention does have elements of suspense and of course romance, but I wasn't expecting to smile so much as I was reading it. The characters are enjoyable and the storyline was stop on. Highly enjoyable!


This book was hard to put down! I loved Marcelle's humor, charm, and strength throughout the book. This is a refreshing and enjoyable romance. Highly recommend!

E. Sizmarick

SO well written. This book was so much fun. definitely one of the more enjoyable fun reads I've gone through in awhile. great characters, dialogue, and storyline. This one checks all the boxes.


I pretty much loved everything about this book. The characters are quirky but believable, there’s plenty of witty banter, a little suspense, and some very sweet moments. I read a ton of romance but not usually historical. This one was so much fun, it made me feel like I’m missing out. Like maybe I should give more historical romances a shot. Great read!


This beautiful love story was just right! Bringing together history, family, and fun! I encourage you to buy it and try it!

Peggy Milligan

I so seldom have time to sit down and read anymore, but I'm so glad that once I did I chose this one. It's not often a book will keep me up until the wee hours of the morning without realizing the time. I thoroughly enjoyed this story. I often like the historical romances but they seldom engage me to the point that this one did. Heartwarming with that strong sense of family that so many stories today are missing. I highly recommend Fate's Intervention!

Southern Charm

This book is a well written romance full of comedy. I keep turning the page and keep laughing at the dialogue as I read. Very witty with well developed characters. You will fall in love with Marcelle, she keeps you in your toes.

Paperback Book Details
  • 07/2018
  • 9781733660204
  • 242 pages
  • $13.50
Open Ebook Ebook Details
  • 07/2018
  • 9781733660211
  • 240 pages
  • $3.99
