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D. Liebhart
Feral Creatures of Suburbia
D. Liebhart, author
Mothers will do anything to protect their children… but the greatest threats always come from within. Julie White’s once-sweet son has morphed into a teenage terror. She hoped it was normal growing pains but a glimpse into his private messages shatters that illusion. Now she wonders if her moody teen is actually a ticking time bomb… Varvara Perlman’s researcher job is hard, but caring for her emotionally-complex daughter is harder. After dismissing the latest call from the school counselor as another ploy for attention, she can only hope it’s not too late when she finally understands. This latest crisis may not only be real, but deadly… Crystal Carrasco is as warm and fuzzy as steel wool. Nothing gets to her…not even her own terminal illness diagnosis. When she realizes her newly-married son will cancel his upcoming honeymoon if he finds out, she decides to do the only thing that makes sense. Do whatever it takes to hide the truth… The interwoven lives of these ordinary women start to unravel as they are each pushed to the breaking point. When faced with the unthinkable, how far will they go to protect their children?
