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David Haltinner
For Jake's Sake
Jake will be dead within the month. At five years old, a brain tumor will cut his life short, and while the doctors can prolong the inevitable, they cannot stop it. His father, Rick, cannot accept the news. Why would God let something like that happen to his son? What did his son ever do to deserve this? Everything changes when a mysterious woman steps into their lives, offering them a way to save Jake. But this offer has risks of its own—and not everyone may make it back. Hesitant at first, they accept her offer, only to be whisked away on an unexpected journey into the fantasy world of Jake's subconscious, where death lies around every corner, where nothing is what it seems, and where Jake’s time is running out. They only have one chance to save Jake, but this world is fighting back at them, and their chances of success are dwindling. Only one option remains. Someone will need to make the ultimate sacrifice, for Jake's sake.
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