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James Peters
Fortune Falls
After experiencing a mysterious detour on his way home from work that leads him to an ancient slot machine and a disturbing message, Jason Lahey's perfect life begins to unravel. His discovery of a brutal suicide will be the catalyst to his downward spiral of self-destruction. Unresolved regrets over his parents’ deaths haunt him while external threats called forth by the suicide will not only endanger him, but his family. Meanwhile, a larger global crisis awaits as the mysterious slot machine with its predictions of death and suffering looms over his neighborhood on an unmarked road in an abandoned field…waiting. Fortune Falls explores themes of mortality and the fragility of human existence against the backdrop of suburban middle America.
Literary Titan

“Jason Lahey’s seemingly idyllic life teeters on the brink of upheaval in Fortune Falls by James L. Peters, a contemporary fiction novel steeped in suspense and enigmatic undertones. Lahey’s routine existence spirals into disarray when a deviation from his usual path leads him to a cryptic slot machine and a subsequent encounter with a woman’s tragic demise. The correlation between these events remains shrouded in mystery, casting a shadow of danger over him and his family, for reasons unknown.

“Drawing inspiration from the surreal narratives of Ray Bradbury, particularly The Illustrated Man and Something Wicked This Way Comes, the novel weaves a tapestry of metaphysical and tangible threats. Set in the present day, the narrative unravels through interspersed moments from Lahey’s past, particularly those concerning his parents, offering glimpses into the less apparent facets of his character and the looming enigma. Peters employs a narrative technique that effectively builds a palpable sense of menace, making Fortune Falls an engaging and thought-provoking journey. The story delves beyond the surface of the supernatural threat, exploring the pervasive notion that an untroubled, joyful existence is inherently fraught with self-deception and concealed anguish.

“At its core, Lahey’s struggle transcends the eerie predictions of a slot machine; it’s a battle against existential dread, a relentless force that looms like a modern-day sword of Damocles. Fortune Falls is not merely about unraveling a mystery; it’s an exploration of the human condition, the hidden turmoil beneath the facade of everyday life, and the elusive quest for peace amidst the chaos.”

