Spark, an elite Space Academy pilot, barely survived a deadly battle. After years in a coma, he emerges to find a crippled world, and his memory in tatters. Humanity faces threats from many sides, often self-inflicted. And a new evil is coming. Something that will wipe out the human race for good. With a dwindling number of fighter pilots, Spark is forced back into active duty, where he meets another cadet, beautiful and enigmatic. Together they work to restore his memory, and Spark is tested to see if his fragile nerves can face the approaching disaster. Spark's world has become a surreal mystery, and he is caught up in a strange and sinister conspiracy. And the tap-tap-tap that lives in his head. A tale of love, jealousy, obsession and repentance.
Galaxy is set in a future where Earth is under attack, but who is Spark's true enemy? This is a tale of sex-fuelled and bloodsoaked revenge that isn't quite what you think it is, told in two back-to-front halves. Fantastically unpredictable read as ever from Lingane.