the details expressed in this book made me feel like i was being brought into the memory, even though these are memories only the author can truly fathom. It is by far the most special book i’ve read in my whole life, and i thank the author for sharing this with the world.
An amazing story of courage, made only more astounding because it is true. I read the whole book in less than 24 hours because it is that captivating. I am awed by the authors strength, both in making it through that upbringing as well as having the courage to share her story with the world. I pray she found some measure of healing as she put it all on paper.
I read this book in 3 days and couldn't put it down. Ms Gibbs writes with such emotional honesty. She brings compassion to her young self and her siblings and a true search to find why the adults in her life are relentless in their chaos and cruelty. This really resonated with me and I think anyone who grew up in addiction, mental illness and abuse will recognize the struggle. It is so redemptive to see this child make it to adulthood and bring the family she fought so hard for with her. A tender and heartbreaking read that ends with beautiful redemption.
Reading this book, was like sitting down with an old friend and asking them to bear their soul to you. Jesse’s story is one that no child should ever have to endure. The fact that she wasn’t allowed a real childhood makes me appreciate even more the warm, hopeful, hilarious, bright, and magical person that I’ve known her to be. Her story is difficult to read at times, but as Jesse takes us with her throughout the different timelines she has lived, we see the hope that always lived inside of her. We see her get the happy ending that she has always deserved. This is a journey to healing that should give us all hope, as we all share different kinds of pain throughout this life. Take Jesse’s hand and walk with her as she leads you barefooted through freezing cold waters, into a dance of love and hopefulness.