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Hardcover Book Details
  • 05/2024
  • 9781959681564
  • 384 pages
  • $29.95
Paperback Book Details
  • 05/2024
  • 9781959681540
  • 384 pages
  • $19.95
Grandmother Carried Her Pearls
Trudy finds herself abandoned at a truck stop by Harold Faust, the attorney who counseled her through an unwanted pregnancy and private adoption. Mac, a trucker and Vietnam Vet, finds Trudy and offers to take Trudy back to Milson, the city where they both live. The story doubles back to the prior year, finding Trudy full of hope after high school graduation and plans to enroll at the university.
Hardcover Book Details
  • 05/2024
  • 9781959681564
  • 384 pages
  • $29.95
Paperback Book Details
  • 05/2024
  • 9781959681540
  • 384 pages
  • $19.95
