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Paperback Book Details
  • 05/2024
  • 9798989512911 B0CTNMY1LT
  • 344 pages
  • $18.95
Hardcover Book Details
  • 03/2024
  • 9798989512904
  • 320 pages
  • $32.95
Paperback Book Details
  • 05/2024
  • 9798989512935
  • 628 pages
  • $28.95
Ebook Details
  • 05/2024
  • 979-8-9895129-2-8 B0CTNMY1LT
  • 344 pages
  • $6.95
Paperback Details
  • 05/2024
  • 979-8-9895129-5-9 B0CTNMY1LT
  • 344 pages
  • $16.99
Eric Bowen
Guardian Angel
For the past thirty years, Dawn has served as Mike’s guardian angel, watching over him, pouring her heart into encouraging notes he may never see, and dreaming of the impossible—meeting him face to face. But when Mike’s life is threatened by a nest of drug-dealing demons, Dawn’s warrior instincts drive her to crash the forbidden barrier between realms to save his life. Her split-second decision stirs up a hornet’s nest of infernal proportions, driving a wedge of doubt between their hearts. And touching off an epic battle between Heaven and Hell—with Mike’s very soul as the prize!
Plot/Idea: 6 out of 10
Originality: 5 out of 10
Prose: 6 out of 10
Character/Execution: 6 out of 10
Overall: 5.75 out of 10


Plot/Idea: Guardian Angel is a mystical suspense thriller that features engaging characters and a compelling plot. A melding of the real and the supernatural, the storyline sees two opposing realms spectacularly collide while a burgeoning love story brews in the background.

Prose: Bowen's text is accessible and easy to follow, with some pleasant passages of description that help consolidate the tense atmosphere. The battle scenes are engaging and dynamic while the relationship that develops between Dawn and Mike is tenderly wrought.

Originality: Ultimately, Guardian Angel is a fairly run-of-the-mill suspense novel which is at best an engaging blend of supernatural intrigue and drama. And although the plot and character development are slightly undercooked, there is enough stark melodrama to keep readers on their toes throughout.

Character/Execution: Bowen's central characters, Dawn and Mike, are written tenderly and sensitively, even though they are fairly one dimensional. The depictions of angels are quite impressive despite long stretches of often uninspiring dialogue.

Date Submitted: August 29, 2024

Reedsy Discovery / Lisa Henson


A fascinating, engrossing vision of spiritual warfare and what it might be like to meet your guardian angel in the flesh.
Mike is a railroad cop, one of the good guys. Dawn was a high-ranking officer in the angelic army and is a skilled warrior, but she gave that up to take a dream role as Mike's Guardian. She has wished to meet him face to face, and she gets her wish when Mike's life is threatened at work. She acts to save his life and finds herself on the Earth side of the border, in the flesh and against protocol on both sides. And once the forces of Hell realize this, they will stop at nothing in their effort to capture Dawn and wrest Mike from Heaven's grasp.
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Ephesians 6:12 NASB).
Eric Bowen gives us a tale of good and evil of eternal proportions. As Ephesians 6:12 says, Mike doesn't battle just against criminals. He also fights against the demonic entities that egg the criminals on, and they do not want the side of evil to lose. But Mike has heavenly help on his side. Does this mean he'll win every battle? No, but if we've read the Bible, we know who wins the war.
"Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour" (1 Peter 5:8 NASB).
Bowen's vision of spiritual warfare also squares pretty well with Scripture as I understand it. Our pastor has often said that demonic entities are constantly looking for ways to gain a foothold into the lives of believers, and that is portrayed here. The demons seek to pull Mike away from his faith, to win him for their side, and they never let up. Mike may not always see it, but there is always a battle for his soul and the souls of those around him.
I enjoyed the depiction of angels as having different roles in Heaven. Some are warriors. Some are counselors. Some are guardian angels for humans here on Earth. And while we see angels as messengers in Scripture (think the angel Gabriel talking to teenaged Mary), we also see that they do battle (see Daniel 10:12-13), just like Dawn and the other warrior angels do here. Could it be as Bowen envisions? Maybe!
The battle scenes and the lengths the demons go to to deceive Mike and to take Dawn out of the fight were pretty intense and kept the pages turning. The interactions between Mike and Dawn were also well written and heartfelt. I mean, imagine finding out that yes, you really do have a guardian angel, and here they are in your living room! The romance aspect doesn't really square with my understanding of Scripture, but Mike and Dawn are very sweet together, and regardless of whether I think it's possible, I was cheering for them.
If you're a fan of Christian speculative fiction, you'll enjoy Guardian Angel.

The Prairies Book Review

A captivating blend of supernatural intrigue and human drama…

Bowen’s latest is an enthralling mix of mystery, suspense, and raw emotion. Railroad police officer Mike Wilson’s beat stretches across ten thousand miles, but it only takes a single drug bust to put him in the crosshairs of dangerous kingpins. As he navigates a world far beyond his jurisdiction, Mike discovers the depths of evil and finds himself targeted for revenge. Meanwhile, Dawn has left her heavenly position to become a Guardian, watching over Mike for thirty years. But when danger threatens his life, Dawn breaks the rules and crosses realms to save him, setting off a clash between Heaven and Hell with Mike’s soul hanging in the balance.  

With themes of loyalty and conflict, readers are taken on a journey through diverse landscapes – from military and law enforcement environments to ethereal realms where angels operate. Mike grapples with past traumas and career challenges while navigating complex relationships with his family and friends. Dawn faces her own struggles fulfilling her duties within supernatural constraints as she protects Mike. Their evolving bond is at the heart of the story, alongside dynamic characters like Amy who add layers to the narrative. Bowen expertly twists genre tropes to craft a captivating tale, exploring the complexities of a guardian angel’s role beyond traditional portrayals. Though some may find moments of slow pacing or overly descriptive sections, the novel delves into profound concepts such as redemption and the eternal battle between good and evil. A page-turning supernatural thriller that offers a unique perspective on the notion of divine intervention and the immense power of faith.

Paperback Book Details
  • 05/2024
  • 9798989512911 B0CTNMY1LT
  • 344 pages
  • $18.95
Hardcover Book Details
  • 03/2024
  • 9798989512904
  • 320 pages
  • $32.95
Paperback Book Details
  • 05/2024
  • 9798989512935
  • 628 pages
  • $28.95
Ebook Details
  • 05/2024
  • 979-8-9895129-2-8 B0CTNMY1LT
  • 344 pages
  • $6.95
Paperback Details
  • 05/2024
  • 979-8-9895129-5-9 B0CTNMY1LT
  • 344 pages
  • $16.99
