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Ebook Details
  • 12/2023
  • 978-1-64456-649-7 B0B4R9W8G7
  • 333 pages
  • $3.99
Bob Freeman
H2LiftShips - Vol 4 - BosonsWave^2
Bob Freeman, author
The 4th volume in the H2LiftShip Series pits symbotic semi-sentient AI tablets and their algal rocket ships against the Heliospheric Navy. An assortment of pirates, gamblers, merchants, and workologists fight infected bioGel tablets as the economy returns to barter, beads, and IOUs. On her repaired and renamed BosonsWave^2, Captain Graciela Lucerne joins forces with Commodore Herb Grauer on his Gorilla Class Fast Cruiser to bring the HiveWar they may have accidentally started to an equitable finish.

Bob Freeman writes a cinematic hard science tale with BosonsWave-Squared
The end is only the beginning. In BosonsWave-Squared the reader is introduced to the heliosphere, and it's impending demise. BosonsWave-Squared is part of the H2Liftships series, and this is volume Four. I am a HUGE fan of Bob Freeman and read whatever this author writes, I want to read. Bob Freeman has a grand imagination, and talent for showing the story. I've read all of the books in this series and each one seems to get better and better. The future may seem bleak, and there are intergalactic wars going on, and human versus machine, AI's, and software updates that are just ... well, it brings the reader back to the world built by Freeman, and how powerful a writer he is, and a natural at creating these worlds, which could possibly be in our future, or someone's future. If you haven't read the other books in the series, I recommend reading them from the beginning, even if they are standalone, but you really get the feel for the environment and atmosphere. I must say that Freeman has done it again, bringing in intense characters and situations, along with hard science, with that mix of science fiction, but who says science is fiction, really. This cinematic (and I use that word because that is how I see it in my head), and unpredictable read brings the characters to life, and shows the reader a world where there is still war, fighting for freedom, fighting for sentience, and camaraderie. The BosonsWave ship has been repaired by its captain, and is now BosonsWave^2, and is in for quite a journey. Both thrilling and intriguing, all the way to the end. This is a magnificent plot that kept this reader turning the pages. It's one of those stories that grabs you from the start and pulls you in. BosonsWave-Squared is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I read this book to give my unbiased and honest review. Amy's Bookshelf Reviews recommends that anyone who reads this book, to also write a review.


Ebook Details
  • 12/2023
  • 978-1-64456-649-7 B0B4R9W8G7
  • 333 pages
  • $3.99
