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Ebook Details
  • 10/2023
  • 9781949547115
  • 36 pages
  • $19.99
Lancelot Schaubert
Harry Rides the Danger
Harry woke at night: in his doorway stood THE DANGER. Harry learns first to face and follow Danger, then to court Danger. Harry takes the Danger out for chocolate cake, for jumping over mountains, for leaping over pits of snakes. Then he wields Danger to save lives, homes, and worlds from a world ending fire. A children's book written in the wake of the historic Joplin tornado, HARRY RIDES THE DANGER teaches the abstract concept of courage in a fun way. It will quickly become an early reader classic. _____ Lancelot Schaubert has 5 books coming out in 2023, one of which is the lauded audiobook version of Bell Hammers, read by the author.
Ebook Details
  • 10/2023
  • 9781949547115
  • 36 pages
  • $19.99

