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Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • 10/2018
  • 172689102X B07JD3F4VX
  • 310 pages
  • $3.99
Paperback Details
  • 10/2018
  • 978-1726891028 B07JD3F4VX
  • 308 pages
  • $12.99
Audio Details
  • 10/2019
  • B07ZCP1RFB
  • 307 pages
  • $17.46
Trent Pettry
Harvest Deep
Trent Pettry, author

Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

Something deep in the earth has evolved...

Hidden in the West Desert of Utah, the gold rush town of Mammoth is a shell of its former glory. For Liz Chilton, what begins as an adventurous road trip to the area to reconnect with her dead mother’s past, soon takes a horrific turn. Liz and her friends must fight to survive or fall prey to the secret nesting deep within an old family mine.

eBook Worm

5.0 out of 5 stars CHILLING...

Reviewed in the United States on March 15, 2021

Verified Purchase

Overall it is a great read. Fast paced once I got into the meat and potato’s of it (due to unexpected distractions in the first half). I had one Issue; it was very gruesome and bloody, and that is due to my over sensitive and empathetic side of me. Interesting to find out this place was in my own “backyard” and never knew.

Fred Rayworth

(Five out of Five Stars)

418 reviews5 followers

It’s funny how I’ve been in the middle of an icky bug Christmas gift orgy when I got a hold of this novel.

With no preconceived notions, I was quite pleased with the results. Harvest Deep was a well-written and fun read.

Inspired by a true event, the author used that to go off on a tangent and create a fun ride full of monsters and mayhem. The story starts mundane enough, and slowly builds into an exciting climax with a high body count and a satisfying ending.

The writing was excellent with short, easy to digest chapters. The point of view was third-person, past-tense with almost no head-hopping except a few minor places later in the book that never jarred me from the story. The narrative was brisk, to the point, and never bogged down. My only minor nit was that he spelled toward as towards, the Queen’s English version. However, at least he was consistent throughout.

Overall, this was an outstanding and fun read and the writing never got in the way of the story. I wish more of these creature feature stories were so well written. I had a great time and was able to close the book with a big smile on my face. Highly recommended.

Marie (Book Nook Retreat)


1,039 reviews, 352 followers

(Four out of Five Stars)

November 22, 2018

I didn't know what to expect when I started reading this book as this is a new author for me, but I was pleasantly surprised and captivated by twisting suspense through the whole book.

Liz Chilton along with her boyfriend, Cody and two friends, Scott and Karen decide to take a trip to Utah as Liz seeks answers in a town where her mother grew up.

The town of Mammoth harbors a terrible secret which when the friends arrive find out the hard way that not all is what it seems in the town. When the friends come in contact with some of the townsfolk, they are anything but friendly. The friends end up seeing something that was not meant to be seen happening near an old mine that sits up on a hill.

Unbeknown to the friends there is something far worse than they have ever imagined that is happening in the old mine as far below the surface there is a harvesting happening that the town of Mammoth wants to keep covered up.

When Liz and her friends decide to investigate the old mine, they encounter angry townspeople along with something else that is hungry and the friends have to figure out how to survive their predicament.

What is being harvested deep in the mine of Mammoth? Do the friends survive their encounter? No spoilers here as to find out the answers to these questions, you will just have to read the book.

This book grabbed me by the throat and did not let go. Twists, turns, suspense, mystery, and horror are trapped within these pages. Four stars for keeping me "trapped" in the mine along with the characters.

  • 2018-read-books ha-tbr-challenge-2018 horror-creature-feature 


Martha Cruz

5.0 out of 5 stars Harvest Deep

Reviewed in the United States on December 23, 2018

Verified Purchase

All I can say is, Alfred Hitchcock, Rod Sterling eat your hearts out, WOW. This story would make an 2a.m. Had to force myself to go to bed. Received the book free and I am glad I did.

Modupe Hendricks

5.0 out of 5 stars The story starts with a couple of unbelievable pieces and then picks up horror speed rapidly

Reviewed in the United States on May 4, 2019

Verified Purchase

I read Harvest Deep: A dramatic subterranean horror thriller in one sitting and did not go to bed before 2 AM. The story has plenty of horror and strong female protagonists. There are two parts near the beginning of the story that irked me. Liz knew that Karen was a psychic, and she didn’t want this to go on the trip. Why didn’t Liz listen? The other piece that irritated me was why did they use a CB radio, instead of driving somewhere else where they could notify the police. Once I get past those pieces of the story, I enjoyed it greatly. I also wondered why the US military would want so much of the mind material since it was quite effective at a low dose. I will definitely read the second book in the series.


5.0 out of 5 stars Masterful

Reviewed in the United States on November 22, 2018

Verified Purchase

A most excellent read. Striking characters. Fresh and interesting plot. Engaging and intense. Both characters and storyline kept you guessing until the end. I highly recommend, and this is one of hundreds that I’ve only ever given 5 stars. I put this on par with a good Stephen King book.

Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • 10/2018
  • 172689102X B07JD3F4VX
  • 310 pages
  • $3.99
Paperback Details
  • 10/2018
  • 978-1726891028 B07JD3F4VX
  • 308 pages
  • $12.99
Audio Details
  • 10/2019
  • B07ZCP1RFB
  • 307 pages
  • $17.46
