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Tari Johnson
I'm All Better Now
Tari Johnson, author

Adult; Memoir; (Market)

What began as a quest to solve persistent digestive issues morphed into a battle of body and mind as the experiment evolved into a raging eating disorder that went much deeper than body image issues. The resulting drive to achieve the elusive standard of "clean" eating and burn away every calorie consumed, eventually became the entirety of Tari’s existence. She hovered between life and death, shrouded in the distorted perceptions of a malnourished mind. Her grip on sanity was tested when she found herself trapped inside the walls of Unnamed Treatment Center where she alternated between black-outs and forced singing, which led her to face far more than the numbers on a scale. In Tari’s unique voice, her story unfolds with unflinching transparency, irreverence, and a bit of a wink as she acknowledges the absurdity in the dark side of her experience. In this raw and courageous memoir about Anorexia, Orthorexia, and Body Dysmorphia, Tari’s journey reveals her experience with: •\tThe dark side of recovery and treatment centers •\tThe life-absorbing rollercoaster of living with and fighting an eating disorder •\tThe resilience of the human spirit •\tThe hope and inspiration that comes from believing in your own capacity for healing and transformation I’m All Better Now disrupts common thoughts and assumptions about eating disorders and the standard treatment of them through brutally honest storytelling, observation and reflection. Laced with sarcastic humor, Tari’s unique voice give readers a fresh view into the reality of what it means to lose oneself completely and the will to survive and transform.
