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J.C. Gemmell
In the Fullness of Tion
J.C. Gemmell, author

A man reborn in his owner’s image.

A warrior disrupting a millennium of stability.

A beloved partner purges his recollections.

And a viral conspiracy, a marauding creature and two unlikely lovers…


‘In the Fullness of Tion’ is a collection of nine unpredictable stories about societal status, online dependency, aspiration and despair in an artificial world built on the ruins of drowned Earth. Each tale is filled with intrigue and adulation, humour and honesty, and a high-technology, data-dependent outlook.


Praise for J.C. Gemmell:

‘speculative fiction at its finest and most intriguing’ – Amazon

‘clever, compelling and complex’ – Goodreads

‘concepts that challenge our perceptions of reality’ – Literary Titan

‘level of ideation in the story is top-notch’ – Readers’ Favorite

