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Rabata's Daybreak Press
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Allah loves to hear our voices in du’a…has He heard yours lately? Unlock the gate to the Garden of Remembrance which this dun book published by Daybreak Press. Praise Allah as the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم praised Him and echo the litanies of the awliya with these transformative prayers. Turn to this collection of du'as to brighten your heart, ease your burdens, and surround yourself with the fragrance of faith. In the Garden of Remembrance was translated by Ribaat Academic Institute Arabic instructor Nishat Lal, who holds a Masters in Arabic translation from SOAS University of London. It includes praises and salawat followed by du'as for forgiveness, protection, and need. Familiar du'as used at Rabata events round out this unique compilation. An essential for every Muslim home, this beautifully-bound treasury of profound and touching du'as will nurture spirits for generations to come.
