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E-Book Details
  • 00/2023
  • 9781669865346
  • 452 pages
  • $3.99
Softcover Details
  • 00/2023
  • 9781669865353
  • 452 pages
  • $20.99
Martin Firestone
Influences from the Being’s Inner Domain Book 1
Racq Thah, author
The circle inside the cover illustration represents the spirit domain which exists within every being. The 3 points of the inner triangle are lighted, and represent the three spirits that reside within each human domain. They are connected in this triangle by lines which represents sharing and working together cohesively. The lines from the points in the triangle, (and from each spirit) to the middle of the triangle represent the position of dominance that only one spirit can hold at any moment. The pathway for the one chosen spirit to dominance is this line to the center. The blue waves and swirls of this pure good-natured domain’s inner background depicts flowing, calming water as “goodness” of the pure good natured domain. It also represents the histories, knowledge and information the three spirits that are assigned to the domain have collected and stored for their being’s later supporting use, information from every event from the beginning of time.
E-Book Details
  • 00/2023
  • 9781669865346
  • 452 pages
  • $3.99
Softcover Details
  • 00/2023
  • 9781669865353
  • 452 pages
  • $20.99
