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Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • 07/2015
  • B012V2IAVK
  • 233 pages
  • $2.99
A. Lotus
INSIDE the Wall (The War in the Wall Series Book 1)
A. Lotus, author

Children/Young Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

What if everyone just stopped caring? What sort of world would we create for future generations?

Letha and Nathan were best friends just as were their mothers before them. Soon, however, two dictators overthrow the city, take the children captive, kill the opposing parents and then brainwash, train, and sculpt these children into soldiers. At first, Letha rejects the new life she leads, staying strong only to protect those younger than her. She is then given the ultimate task: kill Nathan; if she does not, everyone, including herself, will die.

In a world where no one cares, Letha struggles against herself to do the right thing. Ultimately, she has to make a choice, save herself or drown in the codependency of one young boy who has become brainwashed and hardened into the dictator’s web. No matter what choice she makes, she will have to lose someone that she loves.


Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • 07/2015
  • B012V2IAVK
  • 233 pages
  • $2.99

