Live or die
Ralph Meyers, author
Adult; Self-Help, Sex & Relationships, Psychology, Philosophy, Fashion; (Market)
2. Edition, revised and with an aditional case report including q-EEG results
Reflexes form in the first few weeks of pregnancy and serve to protect the unborn child. They are responsible for survival during pregnancy, help with childbirth and protect survival in the first six months of life. Then they need to be integrated and prioritize intentionally controlled responses. In my more than 30 years of practice as a child and adolescent psychiatrist, I see a large number of children, adolescents and even adults whose reflexes are not or only partially integrated (when there are complications during pregnancy, at birth or in the first six months of life) . This often leads to physical and mental problems such as affective disorders such as anxiety or impulsiveness, perception disorders such as ADD/ADHD or school performance problems (dyscalculia or reading/spelling difficulties) and in many cases paves the way for mental illnesses that last into adulthood. There have long been treatment options within the framework of neurophysiological development support that can bring relief within a reasonable period of 1-2 years and then make long-term psychiatric treatments superfluous. The book describes the background and also briefly introduces the interested doctor to an orienting examination technique. My book is aimed at those affected, parents, educators, therapists and doctors and describes many individual cases of different symptoms in connection with residual reflexes and also quotes reports from those affected and their parents. The book represents the first volume in a series. The second part deals in detail with the examination and treatment technique, which we have extensively revised with some new exercises as training templates for doctors and therapists.
Further information at:
A book that gives hope. Hopefully there will be more doctors and therapists who will also include persistent reflexes in their differential diagnosis in the future.
I also hope that there will be more therapists offering this treatment in the future.