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Paperback Details
  • 00/2024
  • 979-8890915795
  • 292 pages
  • $$21.99
hardcover Details
  • 00/2024
  • 979-8399389233
  • 283 pages
  • $$41.76
Love Letters from World War II
The telegram from the War department was delivered to my mother on January 23, 1944 that my father had been missing in action over Germany since January 11. My parents had been married for only two months when he flew to England to serve as a navigator on a B-17 Fortress flying bombing missions over Germany. They remained separated for over two years after his plane was shot down and he became a prisoner of the Germans. What kept their spirits and hopes up were the letters they wrote each other. Their story unfolds through these letters and reveals strength, courage, hope and an enduring love that transcended the horrendous events of the war that interrupted their lives like so many others of their generation.
Paperback Details
  • 00/2024
  • 979-8890915795
  • 292 pages
  • $$21.99
hardcover Details
  • 00/2024
  • 979-8399389233
  • 283 pages
  • $$41.76
