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Ebook Details
  • 05/2021
  • 9781098372729
  • 172 pages
  • $9.99
Gregory Carroll
Mastering 21st Century Enterprise Risk Management

"Mastering 21st Century Enterprise Risk Management" is an Executive's Guide for transforming ERM from an overhead to a value-adding driver of growth. It covers why existing methods of risk management have failed and looks at how events like Brexit, COVID, and the rise of social responsibility are redefining business uncertainty. Using real world examples, it sets the foundation that will allow organizations to restructure risk management to implement the Future of ERM – AI-based Risk Management. Putting in place Good Governance, Ethics, Strategic Management, and Risk based Auditing, are all necessary perquisites before tackling the two-edged sword that is AI based Risk Management.

Ebook Details
  • 05/2021
  • 9781098372729
  • 172 pages
  • $9.99
