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Jillian Thompson
Melody of Redemption
My son's request for a lullaby sparked the creation of this book, which takes place in post-apocalyptic Colorado. The protagonist, Mary Beth (or MB), begins the story fleeing from an unknown threat alongside an unnamed companion. However, she falls and is left alone. When she wakes up, she goes about her day, which involves scavenging for food in a world turned upside down. Mary Beth resides in a community that she describes as a prison surrounded by walls and a fence. She is a conspiracy theorist who believes that the government is neglectful and that the world is against her. Despite the obstacles, Mary Beth is determined to survive and care for her family, even if it means leaving the safety of the settlement and striking out on her own. As she embarks on a journey away from the only home she can remember, she must decide whether to embrace the unknown or return to a place that no longer feels like home.
