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Ellen Smith
Memoirs of a Suburban Troublemaker
Attention troublemakers, parents of troublemakers, and everyone who embraces a rebellious spirit! This captivating narrative is dedicated to you. In the heart of Reston, Virginia, an openly integrated community established amidst the civil rights movement, Ellen’s coming-of-age journey unfolds against the backdrop of societal change. With vivid detail and emotional depth, Ellen chronicles a blissful childhood that comes to an abrupt end when her parents divorce. Labeled as a troublemaker, Ellen becomes the voice of dissent, responding to injustices and seeking attention with acts of rebellion – shoplifting, drinking, and fighting. Yet beneath the seemingly defiant exterior lies a soul yearning for belonging. As Ellen navigates the fallout of her parents' divorce, facing isolation and rejection, an unexpected friendship with Bahija becomes her lifeline. United as outsiders battling their own conflicts, the bond between Ellen and Bahija becomes a source of empowerment. Ellen discovers the strength to stand up against bullying. As the humorous narrative unfolds, the reader is taken on a riveting journey through Ellen’s formative years, with a front-row seat to the struggles of adolescence, the quest for identity, and the desire for independence. Brimming with irony and profound insights, this compelling memoir is a celebration of inclusion, resilience, and the unbreakable bonds forged through shared experiences. Ellen’s story is a reminder that we are all a work in progress, each with a fighter within waiting to be unleashed. Along with poignant reflection, Ellen shows us that laughter can be a potent tool for growth, and sometimes the most judicious lessons are hidden beneath the surface of a good underwear joke.
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Review of Memoirs of a Suburban Troublemaker


Post by Mark Maxwell 2 » 01 Jun 2024, 15:27

[Following is an official review of "Memoirs of a Suburban Troublemaker" by Ellen R.B. Smith.]
5 out of 5 starsShare This Review


Memoirs of a Suburban Troublemaker by Ellen R. B. Smith is a book about the story of the author Ellen, written through personal recollection of events that took place in her life. The author shares her life story through the pages of this book. From her childhood in the open and integrated community of Reston, Virginia, the author tells the readers about the experiences in her life that made her into the person she is today. From her parents' separation, which she says led to her beginning to be a troublemaker right from young to her teenage years, her life of fighting and being a teen delinquent to standing up against the bullies, and to her high school and college days till the present time, Ellen grew up in Reston, left for a while for school and work, and still later returned to live in this suburban community.
The author's story shares a lot of lessons with the reader. Her life is one where she fought against injustice right from when she was young. Ellen, who is a non-practicing agnostic Jewish person, faced several struggles and discrimination in life, some as a result of her Jewish origin and some simply because of her gender, but did not allow that to discourage her. Instead, she rose above it all.
My favorite thing about the book was the author's humorous and honest writing style. This was one thing that made the experience of reading the book a great one. The author was not afraid to share her failures and weaknesses, the mistakes she made, and the struggles she faced. 
I found nothing to dislike about the book; it was a good read, and I enjoyed reading the book. The division of the books into parts detailing the different periods of the author's life was a good idea, and it made the author's story easy to follow and made the reading experience more enjoyable. I commend the editor and all those responsible for proofreading this work; it was exceptionally edited.

I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars because it's an honest memoir from the author, and her life is inspiring and gives the readers a lot to learn from. I recommend this book to lovers of change and progress, to those who are not afraid to make the necessary trouble to ensure that the right things are done, and to those who want to stand up for the helpless and defenseless. It's a book for all lovers of literature, personal stories, and memoirs. 

Memoirs of a Suburban Troublemaker
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