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Paperback Book Details
  • 02/2025
  • 9780999695371
  • 378 pages
  • $16.99
Rick Lenz
Mit Out Sound
Rick Lenz, author
Would-be movie producer Emily Bennett didn't believe the legend of a lost movie, starring James Dean and John Wayne. But when she meets two uncannily talented celebrity impersonators-Jimmy Riley and Tom "Duke" Manfredo, and stumbles upon the elusive film editor who stole the master negative of Showdown, it dispels her doubts, fills her with a courage she didn't know she had, and she sets out to complete the movie. But as Emily and her stars prepare for day one of shooting, they find themselves entangled in a complex love triangle with Oedipal undertones, mirroring their own past lives and off-screen dynamics. As doubts about their ruthless director, Solange Borugian, surface, Jimmy's and Duke's friendship is turned upside down, while Emily and her brother Ben, struggle with their own unresolved issues and are forced to confront their dying father. On location in Arizona, amidst Apache holy grounds and the magic of day-for-night shooting, the lines between past and present blur and the flawed characters' backstories intertwine into a tumultuous finale that exposes their hidden animosities, demons, and loves.
Paperback Book Details
  • 02/2025
  • 9780999695371
  • 378 pages
  • $16.99
