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Brigitte Cutshall
Move For You
Unleash the power of movement. Maybe you feel exercise is just another boring thing on your do-to list, like organizing your sock drawer. Or it’s something you’ll get to eventually—after all the other important things are done. You don’t have to be a superhero or an athlete to add movement into your routine. Your personal health journey is about finding happiness in movement and the joy in discovering what lightens your heart. Whether it’s hiking in the mountains, dancing in your living room, or trying a new activity with a friend, exercise is actually a powerful tool for healing—medicine for the soul. In fact, movement is the spark that sets your inner light shining. Throughout the pages of Move For You, you’ll discover practical wisdom that turns conventional thought on its head.
Cutshall (author of Quality Book Formula) persuasively connects exercise to self-care and better living in this concise guide to “finding happiness in movement.” A fan of running from a young age, Cutshall recounts how her passion for movement has endured throughout her life—and played a central role in her recovery from two bouts with breast cancer and a brain tumor diagnosis. She acknowledges that humans have become too sedentary, in direct contrast to our distant ancestors who depended on speed and agility to survive, and she urges readers to adopt an exercise routine that’s fun, flexible, and consistent. Making the case for making exercise a priority, Cutshall offers readers different strategies to successfully incorporate movement into their daily routines.

Cutshall’s guide is uplifting and straightforward, laying out simple steps to wellness that are achievable regardless of experience or physical condition. She explores the connection between movement and nature, sharing her own outdoor routines that “nourish [her] spirit,” and runs through the ways exercise can impact so much more than physical fitness: it awakens a sense of something greater than oneself, maintains focus on the present moment, and can even harness creative potential.

WIth an eye toward readers unsure of where to start, Cutshall breaks down several exercise paths—gym-goer, outdoor enthusiast, mind-body connection, and the meaningful route—as a start, and she includes a quiz at the end to determine one’s Ayurvedic constitution, be that Vata (those who are naturally active and prefer routines such as yoga), Pitta (competitive individuals who crave vigorous activity), or Kapha (strong, steady exercisers with a penchant for stimulating movement such as dance). With an inviting spirit, Cutshall recommends setting achievable goals and implementing rewards for meeting them, but above all she champions the need for exercise to be fun. The beauty of the journey is key, she writes, while advising readers to “stop chasing your happiness. It’s right here in this moment.”

Takeaway: Exercise is made inviting, even fun, in this concise guide.

Comparable Titles: Kelly McGonigal’s The Joy of Movement, Jay Kimiecik’s The Intrinsic Exerciser.

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: B
Marketing copy: A-

