Robert and Coral's time-crossed love story unfolds piece by evocative piece, ultimately fitting together within the pages like a jigsaw puzzle. As the engaging, heartwarming story surges to its climatic plot twist and satisfying conclusion, Navarria binds all the threads together in a way that lovers of romances with a touch of fate will remember. Readers should be aware, though, this is more general fiction love story than a romance, in terms of genre: while the motivations behind Robert's actions all stem from love, My Dream Lover's central couple has minimal encounters with each other in the text.
That choice builds tension, of course, and readers open to the blend of types of story may find the world building and character development enticing as Navarria offers a heart-wrenching exploration of first love, first heartbreaks, and a man’s efforts to bend time itself in an imaginative plot.
Takeaway: A time-crossed love story that blends romance, SF, and more.
Comparable Titles: Jonathan Strahan’s Someone in Time, Nicholas Sparks’s A Walk to Remember.
Production grades
Cover: B
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A-
Marketing copy: A