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My Two Centuries in Africa (Book One)
ISBN 978-1-0881-2380-5 My Two Centuries in Africa is a humorous, affectionate, intimate book about Africa. It’s a personal memoir of how a guy from Indiana accidentally spent almost 40 years in Africa and lived to tell about it. On a deeper level, it’s also a call to action for Americans and others to recognize and reject the outdated and negative stereotypes about Africa and African people commonly seen in the media and movies. Africa is not all poverty, war, disease, and corruption, as Western news media tends to portray it. It is not just a big wildlife safari as the travel industry would have you believe. It is a lot more than that. Africa is not really a dangerous place. The news just focuses on war zones. My Two Centuries in Africa is a new kind of book about Africa. It’s a travel book and a memoir. It takes a peek into the daily lives, struggles, and successes of over a billion African people living on the second-largest continent.
