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Elizabeth Boyle
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Madeline Drake is on the verge of stardom when an accident on a snowy Wyoming road sends her careening a century into the past. Landing in the quaint town of Bethlehem, she discovers a place that operates by its own set of rules and the oddest gathering of lost souls ever collected. This quirky, small town, with its currency of wishes and second chances, has only one rule—you have until Christmas Eve to prove your worth before you can leave. Having never been much for rules, Madeline begins an out-of-control campaign to get home immediately and regain her modern life. But to her dismay—and then utter amazement—her plans become entwined with that of the town’s proper postmistress, Ninny Minch, and the even more scalding, Savannah Clarke, a widow hiding behind a wall of guilt and grief. Now Madeline must assist these two unlikely women unravel the lies that have left them in knots for decades. Helping anyone other than herself doesn’t come easily to Madeline, but as these fragile new bonds of friendship grow, she finds those threads of trust and acceptance, once woven, may be strong enough to unpack even the most closely guarded secrets. Even a few of her own.
